
H.R. Butler Payroll Setup

Date of birth

Hire/Start Date:

You will be sent an email from: to set up your payroll account. You must complete the link in this email in order to be paid.


000-000-0000 or (000) 000-0000


Are you under 18 years of age?
Were you previously employed by Master Pizza?
Are you a U.S. citizen?
If no, do you possess an alien registration card?
If hired, do you have a reliable means of transportation to get to work?

Do you have any physical condition which would limit your ability to perform the job?

Have you ever been convicted of a felony?


Date available to start

Monday Availability (select all that apply)
Tuesday Availability (select all that apply)
Wednesday Availability (select all that apply)
Thursday Availability (select all that apply)
Friday Availability (select all that apply)
Saturday Availability (select all that apply)
Sunday Availability (select all that apply)

Employment History

Employer 1

Start Date

End Date

May we contact?

Employer 2

Start Date

End Date

May we contact?




Please list below three people you have known at least one year (excluding relatives).

Reference 1

000-000-0000 or (000) 000-0000

Reference 2

000-000-0000 or (000) 000-0000


This section is for delivery driver applicants only

Do you currently have car insurance?


I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application, except where I have requested on this form that no investigation be made. I hereby certify that the facts set forth in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if employed, falsified statements on this application shall be considered sufficient cause for dismissal. I understand that my employment will be on a probationary basis for the period established for all new employees (45 days), and that regular employment will, at the option of the company, be contingent upon my satisfactorily passing a physical examination, if required.
